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Address & Location

National House (Ground Floor) 109, Agrabad Commercial Area, Chattogram-4100, Bangladesh
Chattogram 4100


+8801727536996 , +8801864484377


Business Description

TRADELINK & CO., exclusive interior design and decoration services firms in Bangladesh. We are creating dream and luxurious design for your office & home. Our main goal is client motivation and satisfaction by our designs. We are giving full interior decoration and design support, design estimation, working drawing, material ideas, Total Solutions

Our fundamental belief is that Interior Decoration design should

be about people. We consider form, function, and the connection between the user and the environment. When designing a space,

we ask ourselves, will the space and products within contribute in an innovative way? Does it make the space useful, aesthetic,

and long lasting? How will the environment enhance the experience for the end user, while satisfying the needs and goals of the client? It is our goal to create functional, attractive spaces that improve the end-user experience, and inspire people to make a positive change in their environment.


Real Estate - Commercial & Industrial
Business Consultants & Advisors

National House (Ground Floor) 109, Agrabad Commercial Area, Chattogram-4100, Bangladesh
Chattogram, Chittagong Division

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